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Monday, January 28, 2013


i come across these tips from an expert..thinking of losing weight..this one is special because it is for malaysian..the foods, semua senang nak cari..kudos to the going to well and exercise..boleh ke?last time selalu je gagal..let see first..sekarang ni macam2 on the list,burger bakar..yeay..gemuknya makanan itu..

1) Sandwich using whole meal bread. Load up on the vege’s that go on sandwiches such as tomatoes, onions and salad. Cut back on condiments especially margarine & mayonaise and avoid fried fillings and of course, stay away from cheese if you can. Examples of good sandwich fillings – ham, tuna, egg, de-boned tandoori chicken (left over from dinner the previous day)
2) Cereal – The more grains it has, the better. One of the worst cereal to eat is corn flakes and those other kid cereals like Koko Crunch, Fruit Loops and Honey Star.
3) Half boiled eggs – just add a dash of kicap and pepper for taste.

Lunch1) Mixed rice – whether it is Malay, Chinese or Indian mixed rice, your rice portion should only be as big as your clenched fist. Load up on vege as much as you can. Avoid deep fried dishes
2) Chapati with curry of your choice
3) Subway Sandwich
4) Roasted meats – Eg, Ayamas Roaster, Kenny Rogers
5) Thosai (some places have thosai telur and thosai sardin. These are fine too)
6) Grilled Fish / Chicken or Steaks
7) Chicken Rice – The trick here is to eat less of the rice and more of the chicken. Remember, the rice portion should be the size of your clenched fist.
8) Simple rule – Avoid all goreng-goreng foods. From poori to fried chicken to fried rice to french fires. If it’s fried, you should avoid it.

Dinner1) Salad – you can either make your own, or if you go out, order a salad for dinner. If you are eating out, always always get them to serve the dressing separately.
2) Fruits – Cut up some of you favourite fruits and fill up on these healthy food. Avoid Durian and watermelons. You can even make a fruit rojak if you like. Just buy the sauce, but use it sparingly.
3) Thosai
4) Tandoori Chicken
5) Sandwiches – same as the breakfast menu
6) Home Made Pasta – I will feature a recipe for you to try soon
7) Home Made burgers
8) Home made Roast meat
9) Taufu Bakar

The foods above are just a guide on what kinds of food you should be eating. Feel free to mix and match. If you can avoid all variety of fried foods and food heavy on simple carbohydrates you will be about 70% safe already, which is a lot already. Pair this up with a good work out routine, and you will be able to see the fat just melt away. Try it out and see.

Well, that is not hard i think..better be safe than sorry..rase gemuk sangat ni.. the exercises? jap nk cari..

1. aerobic dance
2. jogging
3. belly dancing

phewwww...susah semua tu..let put my fingers cross..haha

Sunday, January 27, 2013

manic monday..cuti-cuti malaysia

i selsema lg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hujan and panas bergilir2 really makes me sick..real sick..hidung berlari-larian tuh..hehe..kerja off jap..semalam try buat durian crepe.ayo, tidak berjaya..rupanya sangat huduh! macam lempeng hangus! the best thing was, mr khairol mkan sampai hbis..kira bagi semngat la tu..kalau tak, nnti the wife mengamuk..

Hari ni nak update gmbar cuti-cuti malaysia tahun lepas..Perhentian and Langkawi..

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 ini gmbar kat tepi tesco kb..hehehe..

these are few pictures of perhentian island..jom cuti-cuti malaysia...very cheap and cantik..
amik bot kat jeti kuala besut..kalau dari KL boleh ambik terus bus drpada hentian putra ke kuala besut, besut berhenti sebelh jeti tu..rm45 from KL..
 gambar dari atas bot...rm 60 kot the price..lupa la..pihak hotel direct you terus..1 bot untuk terus ke resort/chalet kite..

 our chalet...flora drpada internet..3 hari 2 malam about rm500..ok la..ada aircond and pon ada..the price agak mahal tp ok la..makaanaan sedap..
 morning scenery...

Ni plak ke Langkawi ari tu..

 pemandangan dari atas..daripada pit stop..malangnya ari tu skybridge tutup...

 this one must try..cabel car..

 petting zoo..kaki platform cabel car..cube teka ini ape

Kalo nak ke Langkawi kene book hotel awal..nnt full sesangat..citin hotel,pekan kuah..rm150 a night..hotel dia ok..semua hijau inside it.nice la..budget hotel ni..sewa kerete,tak payah susah2 sewa awal, sampai je kat jetty, pergi je kat kaunter car rental..murah kalau out of peak season maknanya bukan cuti sekolah..rm30 je for all types of car..kalau cuti sekolah, rm80+++++ tau...

Saturday, January 19, 2013


hello sunday..not so good.rsa nk dmm2..cuaca pon nk hujan..last week ada homeroom meeting..seronok jmpa bdk2 baru riuh..good thing is dorg suka speaking..bagus2..kitorg main buat sandwich..ade macam corot je..let the kids explore..

tadaaaaa...ini je dorg bleh come out..ok what..rase xtau ye

sori...gmbar tunggang terbalik..

mggu ni jd usahawan berjaya..buat kek..hehe..2 bji..coklat kek..resepinya mudah saja..1st tempahan xjadi bleh la makan.then, nor plak nak tempah..hai ibu haziqs..alter a little..elok plak jd nye..alhamdulillah..heres the recipe...main2 je ni..special utk kwan2 ku..

1 cawan gula
2 biji telur
1 cawan minyak (ganti butter)
1 cawan koko
1 sudu teh baking powder
1 sudu teh ovellete
1 cawan susu segar ( perisa coklat )
satu sudu esen vanila


1 cawan koko
1 cawan susu pekat manis
satu sudu minyak


pukul telor hinnga kembang..then masuk gula..pukul lagi..then masuk minyak...pukul lagi..then masuk tepung koko,gandum, baking powder,berselang seli dengan susu segar.pukul lagi,.last masuk esen..siap!bakar selama 1 jam..mudah giler..hehe

cake yang hitam..coz it is a choc cake..

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

new mat salleh in school..

tahun ni sek kitorg dapat 2 org mat salleh from uk as teacher assistant..histeria budak pompuan..well, i pon..hehe..xpenah  tgk yg real..jakun x? they are pale..sian..merah2 muka..malysia is hot katakan. welcome james and ollie ( tak tau betul ke tidak spelling ni )..well, kids..better be good..ambil lah this fresh opportunity to learn from the first language speaker..hehe


last year hot movies..
1. breaking dawn part 2
2. cz12
3. the hobbit

new year is now in..
1. sugarscarf ada shawl yag cantik2..aiming to buy it..erin introduces it..sila la ke blog sugarscarf..
2. durian crepe..trying to make it
3. Hokkaido.. ( resepi selalu check kat very detail
4. movies..

Saturday, January 12, 2013

i am not your are not my type...

once i had this statement "sorry, u are not my taste/type!"omg..that was too harsh to take..painful in the chest..

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

lets go blogwalking..

school holiday...

macam-macam pikir..nk wat custom album la..nak design lay out la..blogwalking la..MCM2 NAK BUAT..Sb boring sgt..uuu..ada bnyak hobby,tapi sume bermusim..hehe..cite2 pn bnyak..antaranya
1. wedding planner
2. designer
3. blogger
4. photoblogger or  travel blog..

tapi sume nya tak tercapai..yet...tunggu...thousand miles journey starts with a single step..sweet single step

bookd to read this year..uhhh