
2016 (1) cheap (1) murah (1) vietnam (1)
Showing posts with label vietnam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vietnam. Show all posts

Monday, September 5, 2016

Vietnam 2016

Salam semua

I just came back from 4 days 3 nights trip to vietnam..alhamdulillah..selamat pergi n balik.perjalanan yg mencabar but fun.
Blog ini utk kawan2 out there yg nk travel tu vietnam.sila pergi.Seronok.

   I planned this trip since feb lg..bli tiket air asia yg tgh sale..1000 leh kurg utk 2 dewasa n 1 toddler.kami xpki agen.I gamble with the help of bloggers out there.really helpful.we stayed at than thu hotel..hotel ni murah sangat.81 usd or 318 gitu utk 4 days 3 nights.berbaloi sangat.without bfast.dont halal banyak..sedia duit je..

   I travelled with ank kecik jd preparation kna mantap..we departed from lcct at 11.30 and reached saigon tan son that airport ( salah eja) kul 12.30 waktu sana.airport sunyi je time tu..kastam dia ok sangat..muka x de pon mcm nk mkn org.siap boleh hai bye lg dgn my son..then kitorg mula cuak.takut kan tipu ngn teksi..mmg decided to use airport taxi jela.ank pon dh start meragam.lapar byr siap kt kaunter btul2 dpn entrance..220 ribu dong 10 usd 40 ringgit..

    Bermulalah perjalanan..tgk motor n bgnn sekitar.excitednya.finally im in vietnam..thank u Allah..lama jgk perjalannya.makin sbb xbiasa..half an hour gitu..sampi than thu dh tghari sgt..walaupun bru kul1.30..we were not allowed to check in g la min.of course we choose restaurant amin.right in front of our hotel..basiroh n musa karim next to it.pergh..dekat sgt..gembira den. Kami order nasi ayam n banh mi(roti perancis tu)..kopi ais 2..130 ribu..dalam 30 ringgit..ini plg murah kt tmpt ni..saje try dulu.sedap..

Tiada..first day.nnt smbung lagi..